
본교 독자 장학금제도를 비롯하여 각종 표창제도가 있습니다. 장학금 등의 자세한 내용에 대해서는 스태프에게 문의하여 주십시오.


Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students

Japan Student Services Organization (hereafter “JASSO”) offers Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students in Japan. The Scholarship is offered for privately financed international students who achieve a good performance at ABK COLLEGE, and will enroll as regular students in a university undergraduate school, a junior college, or a special training college in Japan.
This scholarship is awarded during your study ABK COLLEGE.
JASSO web-site has more detail (Japanese only).

Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students

Japan Student Services Organization (hereafter “JASSO”) offers Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students in Japan. In conjunction with this scholarship, JASSO sponsors a reservation program that sets aside scholarship allotments for privately financed international students who achieve a superior score on the EJU, a good performance at ABK COLLEGE, and enroll as regular students in a university undergraduate school, a junior college, or a special training college in Japan.
This scholarship is awarded next school (after graduation ABK COLLEGE).
JASSO web-site has more detail (Japanese only).



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